Friday, August 31, 2007


was upset because of some pepole's words,did'nt they ever heard that words can was suppose to be a farewell party but it ended up being screwed up by me i guess......well i am reallt sorry to all my friends who tried to make the party a success but anyway it was my fault i'm reall really sorry.....................................................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


心言 said...

Jane, don't blame yourself too hard. its not only your fault. every party has some responsibility in this incident, including those that spoke too much as an onlooker. You know your own lesson and i hope u have learnt it well. the party is still a success. thank you for the effort.

Heart Cassiopeia said...

hey. i dunno what's ever going to happen to our friendship. if you think that the way that you're leading will make you happy,go on. i shan't disturb you .