Friday, August 31, 2007


was upset because of some pepole's words,did'nt they ever heard that words can was suppose to be a farewell party but it ended up being screwed up by me i guess......well i am reallt sorry to all my friends who tried to make the party a success but anyway it was my fault i'm reall really sorry.....................................................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

sadsadsadsadhorriblrhorriblrhorrible :(

A HoRrIbLe dAe

i did'nt watch my n it ended up hurting a was a problem that was none of my buisness but could'nt continue to see my friend getting hurt
maybe i was wrong but how can i be wrong the facts are layed in front of me.....
i know i was harsh in what i said but i really could'nt control it anymore

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

another 2dae

it seems lik i hav been here 4eva,but actually only 6 mth.hav made many new frewns ,known many tcher n blah blah blah........i shan't continue
anyway,i had fun at sch while learnin n in btween breaks....there was PE 2dae again

Saturday, August 18, 2007


was a boring day,because i stayed home the whole day
Zzzzzzzzz...........all the way till 11+,then had tv till 1+ ,do work untill Zzzzzzzz.........than wake up 3+ already .had tuition at 4.

5.30(my favourite show--MR FIGHTING ;repeated 1)watch till 7 than continue to watch and eat dinner 8 show finish at 9 than i watch till 9.30the channel u show than continue till 11.than sleep coz 2moroe got chi tuition

pratically the whole dae was VERI borin...but i lurrrrrve music especially all the latest songs n i was listenin 2 miie MP n the radio the wheneva i was free.>>>>all drama shows r also soooooo xcitin (i only watch those wif chi sub title)

i'm done wif wat i got 2 sae ...thanx 4 attention =]